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Master Your Body & Mind to Look and Feel Decades Younger


LongevityFlix | SEASON 1 | BE INSPIRED

Don’t Miss the LIVE Worldwide Premiere on December 6th!

In this exclusive limited-time screening, join thousands on a transformative journey to reverse aging, boost cellular health, and reclaim vitality through powerful lifestyle practices and plant-based nutrition.



When you register today for free, you’ll also get our new exclusive guide


The Top 3 Gut Health Triggers That Impact Your Biological Age

(Valued at $27)

  • Discover how an unhealthy gut can accelerate biological aging and disrupt your body’s natural balance.

  • Learn to identify key signs of gut-related aging issues and take control of your long-term health.

  • Implement these proven strategies to restore gut health, boost vitality, and keep your body youthful and resilient for years to come.





We've long been taught that health decline as we age is inevitable and that there's nothing we can do to stop it.


We've come to expect that hormonal fluctuations will disrupt our metabolism and drain our vitality as we grow older.


We’ve been told that stress will inevitably take a toll on our brains, accelerating cognitive decline and increasing the risk of early-onset dementia.

We’ve accepted that our health will deteriorate, leading to chronic inflammation and weakened immunity, making us more susceptible to illnesses.

We’ve been led to believe that our bodies will naturally become less capable of detoxifying environmental toxins, leaving us vulnerable to pollutants that speed up aging.

We’re resigned to the idea that the buildup of cellular waste will lead to the inevitable onset of age-related diseases.

By the time we reach our 30s, many of us are already facing our first chronic disease.

As we age, this burden multiplies, and by our 60s, managing multiple chronic conditions becomes the norm.

Is this what we envision for our retirement years—frequent hospital visits, the looming prospect of a nursing home, and the daily struggle against debilitating diseases?

The reality is that chronic illnesses are stealing the vibrant, healthy lives we deserve.

It’s time to challenge the belief that this decline is inevitable and take control of our health before it’s too late.


What if everything we've believed about aging is only part of the picture?

What if aging doesn’t have to mean inevitable decline?


Imagine a different story—one where premature aging isn’t your destiny... or that of your loved ones.



Because cutting-edge science is revealing a new reality

For a long time, the idea of reversing aging or preventing chronic diseases seemed out of reach.

Yet, there are communities around the world where people consistently defy the norms—thriving with health, vitality, and longevity well into their later decades and beyond...

These individuals live whole, active lives, brimming with energy, without the need for constant medical care.

Today, with revolutionary insights from longevity research, we’re uncovering their secrets.

New medical breakthroughs empower us to take charge of how we age and craft a new narrative for our lives.





How Food Choices Shape Your Health and the Planet: A Deep Dive with Ocean Robbins

  • Learn how shifting to a whole-food, plant-based diet can significantly improve your health and longevity.

  • Discover the ethical and environmental benefits of reducing or eliminating animal products from your diet.

  • Understand the importance of intentional living and the role of daily practices in maintaining balance and vitality.

“Every bite you take is kind of like a vote for the health you want and for the world that you want, and when you make that vote a conscious one, you have the opportunity to literally change your entire future.”

~ Ocean Robbins

TEDX speaker, Best-selling Author, Co-Founder of Food Revolution Network

Advances in Nutritional Science to Maximize Health and Longevity with Dr. Joel Fuhrman

  • Learn about the benefits of moderate caloric restriction combined with high micronutrient intake for extending lifespan.

  • Understand the importance of a diverse diet rich in plant-based proteins, including beans, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables.

  • Discover practical tips for overcoming food addiction to improve overall health and wellbeing.

"The more animal protein you eat, the more you shorten your lifespan, while the more plant protein you consume, the more you increase your longevity."


7-Time NY Times Bestselling Author, President of Nutritional Research Foundation

Foods That Promote Healthful Weight Loss: Discover the Power Foods with Dr. Barnard

  • Learn how certain plant-based foods can naturally support weight loss, boost metabolism, and improve overall health.

  • Discover the importance of ethical practices in medical research and how compassion extends to all living beings.

  • Gain practical tips on transitioning to a plant-based diet, including simple, everyday strategies to help you get started.

"Ethics in medicine isn't just about treating disease—it's about preventing harm and fostering compassion."


President of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Best-Selling Author


The Silent Role of Stress in Aging: Eye-Opening Insights from Dr. Tricia Pingel

  • Learn how stress impacts your physical health, from fatigue and brain fog to digestive issues.

  • Discover practical tools to manage cortisol levels and reduce the impact of stress on your body.

  • Understand the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in maintaining long-term health and wellbeing.

“We need to think of our health like a bank account. You could have all the money in the world and be ready to travel the world when you’re 65. But if you don’t have your health, you can’t do it."


Leading Naturopathic Physician, Best Selling Author

The Power of Light Therapy in Extending Lifespan: A Conversation with Dr. Robby Besner

  • Learn how infrared technology mobilizes toxins and enhances cellular health.

  • Discover practical tips for integrating light therapy into your daily life.

  • Understand the science behind light therapy and its potential benefits for longevity.

"We all get sick on a cell level, and we also heal on a cell level."


Chief Science Officer Therasage, Philanthropist


Hidden Skincare Dangers and Their Impact on Longevity with Sylvie Beljanski

  • Discover the harmful chemicals commonly found in skincare products and their long-term health risks.

  • Learn practical tips for choosing safer, more effective skincare solutions, including the importance of organic ingredients and glass packaging.

  • Explore the innovative research by the Beljanski Foundation on natural compounds that support skin health and longevity.

"When you use products with harmful chemicals, your skin is absorbing them directly into the bloodstream without any filtration. That’s why it’s so important to choose wisely."


Internationally Known Author, Health Advocate for Holistic Medicine

Yoga’s Impact on Longevity: Unlocking Your Inner Layers with Stacy McCarthy

  • Discover the five Koshas and how they impact your overall health.

  • Learn simple yoga practices to balance your body, mind, and energy.

  • Understand the importance of finding the right teacher for a lifelong yoga practice.

"The practice of Yoga is about waking you up—to how you're moving, how you're thinking, and how you're living your life."


Wellness Expert, Yoga Teacher


Acting on Wellness: Longevity, and Plant-Based Living in Hollywood with Alexandra Paul

  • Discover how Alexandra navigated the pressures of Hollywood while maintaining her commitment to a plant-based diet.

  • Learn about the importance of self-care, including setting boundaries and prioritizing sleep, exercise, and nutrition.

  • Gain insights into Alexandra's daily wellness practices that contribute to her overall longevity and wellbeing.

"Exercise, gratitude, and simplicity—these are the cornerstones of my approach to health and longevity."


Actress, Endurance Athlete, Co-host Vegan Lifestyle Podcast Switch4Good

The Critical Link Between Eye Health and Longevity: Tips from Claudia Muehlenweg

  • Learn how stress and emotional wellbeing impact your vision and overall health.

  • Discover practical tips and exercises to improve vision naturally and reduce dependence on corrective lenses.

  • Understand the role of nutrition and lifestyle in maintaining healthy vision as you age.

"If we just call it stress, I found that stress—whether physical, emotional, or mental—is at the root of so many vision problems."


International Speaker, Holistic Vision


Is Your Heart Health at Risk? Essential Insights for Longevity with Dr. Joel Kahn

  • Learn how to assess your vascular health with advanced testing.

  • Discover the benefits of a plant-based diet and its proven effects on lowering inflammation and supporting heart health.

  • Understand the significance of sleep, exercise, and holistic practices in maintaining overall cardiovascular wellbeing.

"What’s good for humans is good for the planet."


America’s Healthy Heart Doc, Best-Selling Author


Before you dive into LongevityFlix, there's something you need to know

The insights you'll gain here might shake up everything you thought you knew about health.


Our experts didn’t stick to the usual medical script...


They pushed the envelope, moving beyond the standard practice of treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals.

Instead, they dug deep into the real causes of disease and premature aging, exploring how every system in the body interconnects.

What they’ve uncovered are innovative, and sometimes surprising, approaches to revitalizing your body, mind, and spirit.

This isn’t the kind of information most doctors share.

And that’s why so many people miss out on the chance for true, lasting health and longevity.

We invite you to...


dr. monisha bhanote, MD, ABOIM, FCAP



Dr. Monisha Bhanote

5x Boarded Medical Doctor, Best-selling Author, International Speaker, and Longevity Retreat Host

As the CEO of WELLKULÅ, she leads an educational platform that inspires people to transform their lives and achieve their healthiest lifespan through plant-based nutrition and holistic lifestyle practices.


Secure Your Access to LongevityFlix Now, Before This Transformative Series is Gone

Imagine taking a step toward a healthier, more vibrant life today.


If you're like most, you may feel your body is aging faster than it should—leaving you with less energy, more aches, and a deep sense that something isn’t quite right.


But what if, after applying the groundbreaking strategies shared by our experts, you could turn back the clock—not just by years, but by decades?

Imagine your biological age revealing that you've not only halted premature aging but have reversed it, making you feel and look younger than you have in years.

This isn’t just wishful thinking. With the latest advancements in plant-based nutrition, cellular health, and holistic living, this can become your reality.

No more struggling with a body that feels older than you are. No more stubborn weight that refuses to budge. No more endless doctor visits, medications, or the creeping symptoms of chronic disease.

Instead, picture yourself full of life and energy, free from pain, and excited about the future.

Imagine living each day with the confidence that your best years are ahead of you, not behind. Imagine sharing this journey with your loved ones—helping them embrace a healthier, longer life, too.

This isn’t just about your wellbeing; it’s about transforming the lives of those you care about.

With each episode of LongevityFlix, you’ll be inspired to make small but powerful changes that can revolutionize your health and the health of your family and friends.

Don’t miss this chance to rewrite your future. Join us and discover the secrets to living a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.