How to Help At-Risk Populations During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus pandemic has most of the world's population on edge. While this highly contagious novel virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, can affect anyone, it seems to be hitting certain populations the hardest, including older adults, individuals with chronic medical conditions (such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, immunocompromised individuals), and cancer patients alike. "These individuals may not be able to host an immune response to fight off the infection the way that a healthy, younger person may be able to, which can result in more severe symptoms," explains Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, triple board-certified physician. "One other at-risk population that can be easily forgotten is our team of healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, [and] hospital staff."

If you're a healthy individual under the age of 50, statistics are in your favor; you are more likely to suffer only mild symptoms if you are infected with coronavirus. However, if you do not follow the safety guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which including keep yourself quarantined during this trying time, you are putting the at-risk population in even greater jeopardy.

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Monisha Bhanote