I’m A Health Writer And This Is The One Trick I Swear By To Stay Healthy During Cold And Flu Season


As a health writer, I’ve heard a lot of tips from physicians and nurses over the years about how to prevent colds and flu. There are the commandments: Get a flu shot, wash your hands frequently, consistently log seven to nine hours of sleep. But then, occasionally, some more unconventional tips come along, including one that piqued my interest and that I now personally swear by:

Take elderberry supplements throughout cold and flu season.

These antioxidant-packed berries can not only boost your immune system, but some studies have shown they have the potential to shorten the duration of a virus once you’re already sick.

Elderberry, and the advice to take it to help boost your immunity, is by no means new — we just don’t hear about it all that often (unless we’re friends on social media, in which case I’m constantly spreading the gospel about this superberry, relentlessly dropping it in comments when people ask for cold remedies).

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Monisha Bhanote