Ten Signs You Should Get Tested For Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is a hereditary autoimmune disorder—meaning you can't "catch it" from a friend—that disrupts digestion in your small intestine, making it so you can't digest gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Over time, if you continue eating gluten-containing foods, the inflammation that results can lead to other medical issues and more serious health complications.
According to the nonprofit Beyond Celiac, an estimated 1 in 133 Americans have Celiac; that's roughly 1 percent of our nation's population. Unfortunately, it's also estimated that roughly 83 percent of Americans who suffer from the disease are undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with other medical conditions.
Celiac disease can be diagnosed, but you might not even be aware that testing for Celiac disease is an option. Before you book that appointment, however, there are some signs you should look out for that might indicate it's a good idea to head to the doc to ask about a gluten-free diet.