Do your joints or back ever hurt? These clever things can make you feel much better, according to experts
Those aches and pains might not be muscle pains at all. “Our fascia, the connective tissue that functions as an information highway throughout the body,” explains Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, ABIOM, CCMS, and YMTS, “needs to be nourished to prevent and relieve back pain. Unfortunately, with age and inactivity, the fascia can become stiff and cause pain. Myofascial release techniques can help manage that pain and discomfort by stretching and loosening the fascia. To create fluidity and loosen these tissues, I recommend... RAD Rollers.”
These are peanut-shaped rollers, in a variety of sizes and stiffnesses designed to treat specific parts of the body. Choose the one that matches your pain point — upper back, lower back, neck, or feet — and lie on them or roll them in your palm or under your feet. The relief is instant.